"This course is a great asset for anyone interested in being able to take the lessons learned on retreat into their daily life." – Sharon Salzberg
About the Course
Dharma Practice is about more than just sitting. It's about how we live.
Meditation retreats can be powerful and transformative experiences. Yet how do we keep the practice alive in our fast-paced, modern society? How can we really bring the values and intentions of contemplative practice into the complexity of our lives?
In this six week, online course, meditation teachers Oren Jay Sofer and Jaya Rudgard offer in-depth training to nourish the insights and learnings from a retreat. Through practical, down-to-earth videos, practices, and readings, you'll learn versatile tools to bring the teachings into your life.
Our interactive discussion forums and live Q&A sessions offer mentoring for your meditation practice*. We interviewed some of the most well-known, founding Insight Meditation teachers on the key components of the transition after a retreat and the foundations of practice in daily life. *(See FAQ for more).
"This course is a gift to retreatants, and it should almost be mandatory – that you take this with you. It's such a beautiful follow through and offering, with a lot of love in it.” – JoAnna Hardy
Your enrollment in Next Step Dharma includes:
• 21 short Dharma Talks and 16 Guided Meditations, all geared for integration
• 18 Recorded interviews with founding Insight Meditation teachers
• 8 weeks of interactive, live Q & A Sessions with Oren Jay Sofer and guest Dharma teachers
• Mentoring for your meditation practice through live Q & A
• Weekly readings and "Core Integration" practices
• Lifetime membership in our online community
Rolling admissions: the course is open 365 days a year!
Course Curriculum
Start1.0 The Real Practice (11:18)
Start1.1 Guided Meditation: Presence (25:21)
Start1.2 Interview: Joseph Goldstein (7:39)
Start1.3 Strengthening Mindfulness (5:45)
Start1.4 Mindfulness in Motion (5:36)
Start1.5 Article: Kamala Masters
Start1.6 Core Integration Practice
Start1.7 Creating a Positive Feedback Loop (7:55)
Start1.8 The Benefits of Mindfulness
Start1.9 Interview: Jack Kornfield (5:35)
Start1.10 Guided Meditation: Relaxing Key Areas (21:45)
Start1.11 Discussion Forum
StartBONUS Interview: DaRa Williams (5:03)
StartBONUS Guided Meditation: Beginning & Ending the Day (6:30)
Start2.0 Guided Meditation: Mindfulness Practice (16:53)
Start2.1 The Quality of Our Lives (8:27)
Start2.2 Interview: Sharon Salzberg (6:00)
Start2.3 Growing Kindness (8:11)
Start2.4 Core Integration Practice
Start2.5 Article: Pema Chödrön
Start2.6 Guided Meditation: Kindness (20:22)
Start2.7 The Patient Gardner (8:25)
Start2.8 Interview: DaRa Williams (6:14)
Start2.9 Guided Meditation: Radiating Good Will (22:35)
Start2.10 Discussion Forum
StartBONUS Interview: Jack Kornfield (5:14)
StartBONUS Article: Dipa Ma
StartSharing Next Step Dharma
"In the midst of the busyness of our lives, this kind of support is really helpful." – Joseph Goldstein
Meet the Course Leaders
Oren Jay Sofer has practiced Buddhist meditation since 1997, and is a graduate of the IMS-Spirit Rock Teacher Training. He is a long-time student of Joseph Goldstein, Michele McDonald and the Venerable Ajahn Sucitto, and holds a degree in Comparative Religion from Columbia University. Oren is also a Principal Teacher at the Marin Sangha, a Collaborative Trainer with BayNVC, and a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner for healing trauma.
Jaya Rudgard spent eight years as a Theravada nun in the Thai Forest Sangha in the UK with Ajahn Sumedho, and is a graduate of IMS-Spirit Rock Teacher Training. She teaches mindfulness and Dhamma at meditation retreat centers and local communities throughout the UK, the United States, and elsewhere.
Begin the Course now!
About our Sliding Scale: No One Turned Away
We're committed to making our programs accessible to anyone interested in practicing, regardless of their ability to pay. As such, we offer a wide sliding scale for the course, as well as a Dana-based option for those who are unable to pay within the sliding scale.
Tuition fees help to cover the costs for running and staffing Next Step Dharma's programs, and to support the lay teachers who have helped to create the course. Paying at the PATRON level helps us provide scholarship funds to those paying at a lower level.
If you'd like more information about Dana-based options and how you can request a discount code to further reduce the sliding scale, please visit our Dana page.
"Next Step Dharma is a creative invitation to weave the retreat and everyday life into one seamless practice. There’s always been a need for a bridge like this." – Larry Yang